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  • PGI Products PGPROF Graphical Performance Profiler
    PGPROF can profile parallel programs, including multiprocess MPI programs

  • PGI Users Guide - 14 The PGPROF Profiler
    This chapter introduces the PGPROF profiler.

  • PGI Profiler User Guide
    You can also use the PGPROF profiler to profile parallel programs, including multiprocess MPI programs, multi-threaded programs such as OpenMP programs, or a combination of both.

  • PGPROF Profiler Users Guide - 2 Graphical User Interface
    The PGPROF Graphical User Interface (GUI) is invoked using the command pgprof. This chapter describes how to use the profiler with the GUI.

  • PGI Tools Guide
    Chapter 2 The PGPROF Profiler describes the PGPROF Profiler. This tool analyzes data generated during execution of specially compiled C, C++, F77, F9x and HPF programs.

  • PGPROF Profiling ARSC
    Users seeking additional information, such as how to produce other kinds of profiling output, may refer to the official PGPROF Profiler Guide.

  • The PGPROF OpenMP/MPI Profiler
    Use the PGPROF profiler to profile parallel programs, including multiprocess MPI programs, multi-threaded OpenMP programs, or a combination of both.

  • Отладка эффективности OpenMP-программ 2.2. PGPROF
    Среди них есть как проприетарные (например, Intel Thread Profiler или PGPROF) так и open source проекты (например, ompP).

  • Pgprof Profiler DOC - Ebook Market
    It also includes a graphical profiler (PGPROF) and a debugger (PGDBG). This package can also be used with the VAMPIR profiler and with the TotalView parallel debugger.

  • PGPROF - Research Computing Center Wiki
    The Portland Group, Inc. Please see http://www.pgroup.com/. PGPROF is a profiling tool, distributed with the PGI Workstation suite. It can be used to analyse the performance of programs and supports OpenMPI and MPI programs.

  • Информация взята v3.kz
